County approves new health insurance plan
Milam County employees still "have a very rich," said County Judge Frank Summers at Milam Monday Milam County Commissioners Court.
Summers spoke on the Milam County Health Insurance Plan approved by the commissioners court, after being recommended by a committee headed by the enclosure 1 Commissioner George Tomek.
The health plan committee, appointed by Summers in March, examined the health plans presented by Humana, Scott & White and United Health Care.
The plan adopted is sponsored by Scott & White Health Plan and named "HMO 30." The plan fees are as follows: Employee - $ 488/month; employee charged with 1 - $ 1066/month and employees of more than 2 dependents - $ 1392/month. The plan includes dental care.
Milam County will contribute $ 488/month to each employee for health benefits.
Two other Scott & White Health Plans have been considered but not chosen. There was a $ 500 deductible and would cost the county $ 404/month - while the other has $ 1000 and the franchise would cost the county $ 378/month.
Summers said that most employees have about the same coverage they have now, with the exception of their co-pay increase of $ 10.
In response to the enclosure 2 Commissioner Kenneth Hollas question about other plans, Summers said that other companies do not have a plan similar to the Scott & White HMO 30.
Tomek said that there were "many things that we asked not only an answer" from other companies.
The commissioners court also discussed two issues relating to family welfare and child abuse.
First, they proclaimed April "Child Abuse Prevention Month" and "called upon all citizens, community organizations, religious groups, medical facilities, and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to support families , which prevents child abuse and strengthening the communities where we live. "
Interviewed by The Cameron Herald on what different groups can do to participate, Sondra Andrews, President of the Milam County Child Protective Services (CPS), has said that they could make a donation and volunteering.
Second, in response to a written request from the CPS Council, Commissioners Court voted to designate the SPC of the Council as a recipient of the "family protection fee" collected during 2008, a total of $ 1865.
The term "costs of protecting the family" is a $ 15 fee collected at the time an action for dissolution of marriage under Chapter 6 of the Family Code, is filed "(see Texas Government Code 51961).
The tax is deposited in an account of the protection of the family that can be used by the commissioners' court of funds from one service provider located in Milam County or region.
In another agenda, even if "no action" was taken, the commissioners court listened to a presentation by Verizon Wireless cell phone on the Milam County who want to adopt. The Verizon representative, Jonathan Gascoyne told the court that the proposed system is identical to the current system, except that it will save the county about $ 6,000 per year.
Gascoyne said that each person in terms of receiving a new cell phone, the same resources would be available throughout the county system would have 17,000 minutes per month to use (their research indicated use the maximum monthly minutes was 15,000 last year), and since there is no contract, the region could cancel the program at any time.
Summers and Precinct 3 Commissioner Dale Jaeck said that before a decision could be made, the Verizon representatives to talk with Milam County Sheriff David Greene.
In other business, commissioners:
# Put a decision on Interlocal Agreement between the Texas Health and Human Services Rockdale and Milam County on the rental agreement for office until the dates of the contracts can be verified;
# Authorized advertising for bids for the County of Milam bank with bids at the opening April 27 and
# Accept the offer of $ 18,999 United Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. to Bryan County MHMR roof building located at 206 South Central in Cameron - a Duro-Last roofing will be installed.(source)
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